Upcoming changes to support and service at Inspiretec
We recognise that our platform is a critical part of your business and a key part of supporting your own strategy and business growth.
We understand that it is frustrating when you find a bug, experience an outage, or need a quick answer to a question.
Focused on improving our support service, we’ve identified several changes that will be rolled out during January 2024 to improve our service levels and speed up our response times.
Single point of contact
From now on, you’ll have a named point of contact for all Inspiretec products and services. Your Customer Engagement Executive will be a friendly and knowledgeable individual who knows you, your business and will ‘own’ every aspect of your support experience – irrelevant of which product or service you consume.
We’ve also allocated you a secondary point of contact should your primary Customer Engagement Executive be unavailable, so you’ll always have access to someone who understands your unique platform configuration. Your CX team will also have a close relationship with your allocated Project Manager, again building improved ownership and accountability across all of your Inspiretec touch points.
New JIRA portal
Priority 1
This is to be used for a critical ‘system down’ showstopper emergency incidents and it triggers our fast response team to get you back up and running as quickly as physically possible.
Report a bug
If you come across a defect, bug, error, or fault in our platform please log it here and take a moment to provide the detail we ask for, as without it we may not be able to help you.
Feature request
We’re always happy to hear of how we can improve our platform so please use this channel to share your requirement and your Customer Relationship Manager will pick this up.
See our videos on the new JIRA page and Request types below for more detail.
Business criticality
On the ‘Report a bug’ form we’ve introduced the concept of ‘Severity Levels’. This allows you to log each ticket with an indication of the business impact.
Using the ‘P rating’ categorisation method isn’t really granular enough and you might have an issue that is technically a P3 but it is having a huge financial impact to trading. As such if you indicate that a ticket is a Severity Level 1, we’ll know to work on this before a Severity Level 2 and so on.
Don’t worry that the ‘P ratings’ haven’t disappeared they are still there in the background. When bug has passed triage and been accepting in to the process we will assign it a ‘P rating’ that can be used to track the bug against SLAs.
See our video on Severity Levels below for more detail.
Bug detail
Before we can fix your bug, we need as much information as possible to get to the bottom of what is causing the fault. We’ve made lots of changes to ‘Report a bug’ request type to help make it easier for you understand what information we need.
We appreciate we are asking lots of questions and it will take more time to complete but investing the time at bug logging, and providing detailed steps to recreate, extracts of data, screen shots and even videos of the problem will speed up the time to resolution immeasurably.
See our video on how to raise a bug below for more detail.
Improving triage
Hand in hand with the improved levels of bug detail (see above), please do not be offended if we are simply unable to pass the bug through triage – this will only happen when we do not have enough comprehensive and accurate information to work with.
To help us help you, we encourage all Customers to triage the ticket themselves (recreate it first hand) and then only reach out when they’ve got all the detail of what we need to do to see it ourselves. Of course, if it’s a P1 then don’t wait – just log it!
Moving forward, your Customer Engagement Executive commits to taking each genuine bug through triage within one working day. The objective of this is to get you as quickly as possible and move the ticket on without delay.
Of course, if we are unable to take a ticket through detail your Customer Engagement Executive will always reach out with feedback as to why we can’t help you in this instance.
See our video on how to raise a bug above for a ‘best practice’ example of a ticket.
Resolution codes
You’ll also notice that we’ve significantly reduced the number of resolution codes and made them simpler to understand. A resolution code is how we categorise each closed ticket, and looking at this data can help us both develop our service levels.
For example, the ‘advice/ training’ type tickets will now be best managed through the ‘Ask a question’ request type (see above for more detail) and the changes to the bug detail process (also see above) should reduce the number of ‘Cannot reproduce’ and ‘Insufficient information’ resolution codes.
See our video on Ticket resolution codes below for more detail.
Workflow and status
We’ve changed our ticket workflow and simplified our ticket statuses so it’s easier to get a feel for exactly where we are on each. As you might know your JIRA portal provides you a real time view of all your tickets in the ‘Requests’ view and the status of each ticket wihtin that view will give you a view of exactly where the ticket is in the overall workflow.
Again, as with the Resolution codes (see above) we’ve reduced the number of statuses down considerably so you can get a much easier ‘at a glance’ view of where each ticket lies with the added benefit of giving us both some valuable management information that we can use to jointly improve support throughout.
Please see our video on Workflow and Status below for more detail on the status and how these are tied in to the overall ticket workflow.
A chance to feedback
Finally, we are introducing two new Customer Satisfaction touch points so you can provide constructive and objective feedback on how we’re supporting you. We recognise we are not perfect, and we value feedback so we can take steps to improve.
For our larger customers we’ll reach out and ask for feedback on randomly selected tickets and for our smaller customers you’ll get the opportunity to provide feedback on every ticket. The feedback process will be quick and easy to complete allowing you to share candidly how we helped and what we could do differently.
We will also be sending out a ‘pulse check’ survey every quarter (first one in January!) – this will be a more holistic ‘temperature’ check so you can share your overall satisfaction rating. Together, these metrics will be tracked and used by your Customer Engagement Executive and Customer Relationship Manager and used as part of the Service Delivery Review process.